Thermal Analysis Platform (PLAT)
The LMI has the entire responsibility of the platform’s equipment, its functioning and its technical and scientific orientations. The platform regroups a very complete assembly of instruments in calorimetric, thermogravimetric, thermo-mechanic and thermo-microscopic analyses, but also couplings of thermogravimetry with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Very few platforms and similar competences exist at national level. The platform has an autonomic functioning (except the personnel’s salaries), also assuring the maintenance, replacement and the extension of its instrumental park. It also has an open functioning, either by participating in research projects with the other teams of LMI or with research and industrial laboratories from France, and either in provision of service for academics or industrials.
Head of the platform: Dr. Ing. Rodica CHIRIAC, IR CNRS
Operation : provision of service / collaboration contracts or projects / research activities (industrial & academic partners)
Formation: here
Are you looking for a means of experimentation and analysis? See online:
MEANS Portal - Means of Experimentation and ANalySe
- 2 Thermobalances Mettler-Toledo TGA/DSC3+ (photo 1) : 25 - 1600°C et 25 - 1100°C ; N2, Ar, He, Air, O2, CO2, Ar+H2
- 1 Thermobalance Setaram TGA Setsys Evo (photo 2): 25 - 2400°C (four carbon vitreux, alumine, quartz) ; canne TGA/DSC & TGA/DTA
- 1 couplage ATG/Interface de stockage à 16 boucles/GC-MS (photo 3) (GC 7890B - MSD 5977A Agilent Technologies avec colonne HP-5MS, longueur 60 m $\Rightarrow$ COV)
- 1 µGC/MSD (photo 4) SRA Instruments (3 colonnes : OV1, Tamis, PPU) $\Rightarrow$ COV, O2, N2, CO, CO2, CH4, H2O, H2, Ar, NH3, SO2 etc.
- 1 µGC Fusion (CHEMLYS) avec 2 modules Tamis BF 10 m & RT-Q 12m
- 1 appareil d’Analyse Calorimétrique Différentielle Mettler Toledo DSC1 (photo 5) : de -170 à 700°C ; Ar, N2, Air
- 1 appareil d’Analyse Calorimétrique Différentielle Setaram DSC Sensys Evo (photo 6): de 25 à 830°C ; Ar, N2, Air
- 1 appareil de DSC sous pression Mettler Toledo HP DSC 827 (photo 7) : 25 - 700°C, P < 10MPa ; O2, N2, Air ; avec contrôleur de débit et de pression
- 1 Calorimètre CALVET Setaram C80 (photo 8) : avec cellules de retournement, cellules à membrane et cellules sous pression 100 & 350 bars ; 25 - 300°C
- 1 Appareil d’analyse thermomécanique Mettler Toledo TMA/SDTA 840 (photo 9) : 25 - 1100 °C ; 0-2 N ; N2, Air ; modules de traction (films, fibres) et compression
- 1 Appareil d’analyse thermomécanique vertical NETZSCH 402 F1 Hyperion (photo 11) : 25 - 1550 °C ; 0-4 N ; N2, Air, Ar ; fonctionnement sous vide 10-3 – 10-4, modes de mesure expansion, pénétration, flexion 3 points, traction ; Logiciel avec fonctions spéciales (RCS, c-DTA, Densité)
- 1 Microscope thermo-optique Zeiss avec platine chauffante/refroidissante LTS 350 Linkam (photo 10) : de -70 à 300°C
Fields of application
- Energy (hydrogen storage, biodiesel, lignocellulosic biomass…)
- Environment (CO2 capture, VOC emission, …)
- Geology/Planetology
- Polymers
- Petroleum industry
- Civil Engineering
- Metallurgy
- Cosmetics
- Pharmaceuticals
Examples of thermal studies or determinations in thermal analysis
- Study of the thermal behavior of different materials:
- Thermal degradation with identification of gases;
- Glass transition, Specific heat, Crystallinity, Purity;
- Temperatures and enthalpies of melting or crystallization;
- Thermal stability domains;
- Polymorphic transitions;
- Heat of reaction, heat of dissolution, heat of adsorption, etc.
- Phase transformations in metal alloys
- Hydrogen storage by thermolysis of boranes and borohydrides (TGA, DSC, TGA/µGC-MS)
- Thermal decomposition of nanocomposites or nanostructured materials by TGA et TGA coupled GC-MS (e.g. metallic salt/polymers, mesoporous silica/polymers, nitride based stainless steel coatings…)
- Study of the decomposition mechanism of nanofilaments obtained by electrospinning
- Screening of minerals for CO2 capture (TGA, TGA coupled µGC-MS, C80)
- Thermal behavior of diesels, fuels, biodiesels, lubricants (DSC, TGA, TGA/GC-MS)
- Oxidation stability of lubricants, engine oils or vegetable oils by pressure-DSC (oxidation onset temperature -OOT, Induction time -OIT)
- Thermal cycling of nanocomposite coatings (TGA)
- Thermal (or linear) expansion coefficient (TMA –dilatometry)
- Thermal conversion of biomass. Determination of heat capacity (Calvet calorimetry C80)
Rodica CHIRIAC – François TOCHE | |
Phone | 04 72 43 15 70 |
Address | Laboratoire des Multimatériaux et Interfaces (LMI) UMR CNRS 5615 Bâtiment Chevreul 1er étage 6 rue Victor Grignard 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex |